Rhode Island Media Liability Lawyers
McIntyre Tate LLP Handles Media Disputes
In today's environment of 24-hour news cycles, information flows at break-neck speeds. That, together with the highly competitive environment in which many media outlets operate, often create troublesome conditions that can lead to litigation.
At McIntyre Tate LLP, we understand the dynamics affecting today's news organizations and work closely with our clients to help avoid litigation in the first place. Should litigation take place however, our Rhode Island media liability attorneys handle media disputes from start to finish.
Navigating Complex Media Litigation
Our Rhode Island civil litigation attorneys have substantial experience litigating claims involving defamation, invasion of privacy, false light, and a host of statutory and common law claims giving rise to media liability. From television and radio stations to newspapers and internet-based media outlets, we have the experience you need on your side. We take these cases very seriously, using our over 150 years of combined experience to our clients' advantage.
- Our media liability experience includes:
- Defense of radio and television stations
- Defense of newspaper and print outlets
- Defense of journalism professionals
- Defense of internet-based media outlets
- Defense of cable television broadcasters and programmers
- Defamation claims
- False light/invasion of privacy claims
- Defense of statutory and common law claims
- Defense of third party media liability claims against policyholders
Contact McIntyre Tate LLP to Make an Appointment
At our firm, our Rhode Island media liability attorneys are dedicated to providing you with the quality representation you need to achieve a successful outcome. We understand how much is on the line in media liability matters and you can rely on us to pay great attention to detail in investigating and building your case. To discuss your media liability matter in detail, contact our firm online.